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Blindingly chatty podcast header with two speech bubbles and a visual representation of audio below

Podcast: Blindingly Chatty – episode two

In this episode Laura and Mark talk about their dreams and how they see the world in sleep. Mark is living with retinitis pigmentosa so his sight has deteriorated over his life, whereas Laura lost her sight at a very young age. They also briefly cover Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS).

A man facing towards the camera seated with a woman facing away from the camera (towards the man)

Types of inherited sight loss

Inherited progressive sight loss is caused by a range of rare genetic conditions. We specialise in those which affect the retina.

A machine with a digital display with a hand in a green glove pressing the screen with their index finger

Therapy development updates

There are many ongoing clinical and laboratory studies around the world, exploring innovative approaches to treating inherited sight loss.

Make a referral along with a handshake

Make a referral

If you support someone with inherited sight loss and they need additional support or information, you can make a referral to one or more of our dedicated services.