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Retina UK awards new research funding

Retina UK is delighted to have awarded a new three-year research grant to Prof Majlinda Lako at Newcastle University for a project entitled: To establish AAV.PRPF31 gene augmentation in PRPF31-deficient RPE and photoreceptor cells and assess its efficacy in restoring RPE and photoreceptor function.

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Our community are the reason we are able to continue supporting those with inherited sight-loss conditions through research and practical support.

About us

Retina UK is a charity supporting people affected by inherited sight loss and investing in medical research to help make their challenges a thing of the past.

A machine with a digital display with a hand in a green glove pressing the screen with their index finger

Therapy development updates

There are many ongoing clinical and laboratory studies around the world, exploring innovative approaches to treating inherited sight loss.