Two men facing the camera. They are both smiling

Welcome to Retina UK

We are a charity supporting people affected by inherited sight loss and investing in medical research to help make their challenges a thing of the past.

Sight Loss Survey 2025

Sight Loss Survey 2025

We want to ensure our current and future activities are relevant and that they respond to your needs. The only way we can be confident of this is to ask about your experiences, views and what matters to you.
Take part in the Survey online

How can we support you?

Whether you are looking for practical information or emotional support, online, by phone or face-to-face, we’re here to help.

Featured news and resources

Resource Chris McCausland

Look Forward – Spring 2025 – Issue 185

This edition of Look Forward includes the very latest news about an experimental therapy by Retina UK funded researchers, an article about one of our PhD students, a calendar of events in 2025, the usual research news round-up and lots more. Please take the time to complete our Sight Loss Survey, enclosed with this edition. You can find out more about the Survey.


Do you want to be in with the chance of winning £25,000 every week in 2025? Join our Retina UK Lottery today for £1 a line!

Sign up today

Get involved

Join us in person or online for one of our upcoming events or why not take on a challenge to support Retina UK?

Sight Loss Survey 2025

We want to ensure our current and future activities are relevant and that they respond to your needs. The only way we can be confident of this is to ask about your experiences, views and what matters to you.

5K A Day In May 2025


May is National Walking Month! Are you ready to join #TeamRetinaUK in May for our daily 5K challenge? Your support will allow us to continue supporting those who are living with inherited sight loss.

Sahara Desert Trek 2025

Sahara Desert

Could you take on an adventure of a lifetime for Retina UK and take part in the Sahara Desert Trek in November 2025?