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A DNA spiral with a piece removed being held by tweezers

Genetics and gene therapy

When we talk about gene therapy we are usually referring to use of a harmless virus, called a vector, to deliver a normal copy of a defective gene into the cells of the eye.

Lottery balls in lots of different bright colours with different numbers printed on them in black


Do you want to win up to £25,000 and feel good about supporting people with inherited progressive sight loss?!

Woman asking question using microphone

Get involved

Our community are the reason we are able to continue supporting those with inherited sight-loss conditions through research and practical support.

Discover Wellbeing wordcloud on a dark blue background

Discover Wellbeing

We have created Discover Wellbeing to help people affected by inherited sight loss to develop an awareness of emotional wellbeing and the practical skills to adapt to life’s ups and downs.