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We can provide all the support your organisation needs to work with us; from ideas to practical support and materials. The Retina UK team will help your contribution be as fun and rewarding as possible.
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We can provide all the support your organisation needs to work with us; from ideas to practical support and materials. The Retina UK team will help your contribution be as fun and rewarding as possible.
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD or AMD) is the commonest cause of blindness in thewestern world.
As Luxturna reaches the clinic and other gene-specific therapies for inherited retinal disease get closer to the end of the development pipeline, it is becoming ever more important that affected families can access a genetic diagnosis, potentially opening up choices around treatment and clinical trial participation.
Biotechnology company ProQR has announced that its clinical trials of sepofarsen for Leber congenital amaurosis type 10 and ultevursen for USH2A-mediated retinitis pigmentosa will be wound down with immediate effect.
X-linked inheritance means that the faulty gene is located on the X chromosome, the larger of the two sex chromosomes.
Prof Mariya Moosajee at Moorfields Eye Hospital has asked us to share the message below about the clinical trial she is running. This trial is for a treatment that targets a particular section of the USH2A gene.
Genetic counsellors are specially trained healthcare professionals with extensive scientific knowledge who spend time talking to families living with inherited conditions.
Inherited progressive sight loss is caused by a range of rare genetic conditions. We specialise in those which affect the retina.
TPT and Sight Loss Councils: Cut it back campaign
Tuesday 24 September, 7.00pm - 8.00pm - via Zoom - Come and join the Belfast Bumpers Group for an online catch up where we will be talking about volunteering for Retina UK.