jCyte have released additional preclinical data regarding jCell

We previously reported how jCyte are planning for a phase 3 clinical trial for their stem cell treatment called jCell to take place later this year. Read more here: https://retinauk.org.uk/news/jcyte-update/

jCyte have now released additional preclinical data on jCell which shows that the intravitreal injections of retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) are effective in treating photoreceptor degeneration in rats. Specifically, the treatment demonstrated substantial preservation of both retinal structure and visual function. This data provides further supporting evidence as jCyte move ahead with clinical testing.

RPGs work by releasing neurotrophic factors which are needed to maintain the health and function of retinal cells, and as such, jCell is predicted to be most effective if given at a reasonably early stage of photoreceptor degeneration.

This treatment offers a relatively simple delivery method involving injection into the jelly of the eyeball, compared to more invasive alternatives such as sub-retinal injection.