Help the Gene Team search for treatments sooner.
This year, we’re asking you to join forces with Retina UK and become a part of our Gene Team. Together, we can foster hope for a happier tomorrow for the thousands of people across the UK who are living with inherited sight loss.
Donate today to support our Gene Team of exceptional scientists who are leading important translational medical research. At Retina UK, we are supporting innovative research projects in areas such as gene therapy and photoreceptor stem cell patches, at institutions like UCL, Kings, Edinburgh University and Newcastle University – because of you.
With your support this year, we can give real momentum to this important research. Since Retina UK was formed almost 50 years ago, we have achieved so much together and we still need your help to leap forward with cutting-edge research for our community. Your donation will go directly towards funding transformational research and will give hope to the whole inherited sight loss community in 2025.
Thank you for your incredible continued support.