Local Peer Support Group

Men’s Peer Support Group

  • Date and Time info: 21/01/2025 from 19:00:00 to 20:30:00
  • Location: Via Zoom
  • Online

This Gents Peer Support Group provides a welcoming, safe and friendly opportunity for people with inherited sight loss to meet up to share experiences, tips and information.

You are invited to join Mark Baxter & friends for an evening of chit-chat and catching up at our virtual men's group.

We are delighted to welcome our guest speaker Jack Moffat, Engagement Manager North-East at Thomas Pocklington Trust, who will chat to us gents about how we can all manage our physical and mental wellbeing by understanding how our daily activities such as work, home life, hobbies, exercise and sleep all play vital roles in how to achieve a positive mental wellbeing.

As a group we can then discuss any New Year’s resolutions that we may be thinking of to help support a positive physical and mental wellbeing – this could be anything from taking up a new hobby, sport or pastime or even a new career!

Please come along and ask Jack any questions you may have or feel free to share your own wellbeing tips, hints and information to the guys.

We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you there!



This meeting will be held online via Zoom.