Contact us

Please get in touch with us using the method which suits you best. You'll find details of all of the different ways you can contact us on this page.

Our Helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Tuesday and Thursday 5pm to 8pm. You can contact our helpline through the details below.

0300 111 4000 |

Please note: the Retina UK helpline is not a crisis line, if you are in crisis please contact Samaritans on 116 123 who are available 24/7.  If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you could text SHOUT to 85258, who offer a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in crisis and need immediate help.


Retina UK
Whiteleaf Business Centre
11 Little Balmer
MK18 1TF (UK)

General Tel (+44) 01280 821334

Fundraising Tel (+44) 01280 815900
Fundraising Email:

You can reach our Chief Executive, Tina Garvey, by emailing or telephoning the office number 01280 821334 and leaving a message. Tina will then return your call.

Contact form

Post and telephone preferences
If you already hear from us, we will continue to contact you in the same way. If you don’t already hear from us, we’d like to send you information in the post and/or over the telephone about events, research, fundraising, appeals and our regular newsletters & updates.
Email and text preferences
It’s often cheaper for us to contact you via email or SMS (text message) – please tick the boxes below if you’re happy for us to contact you in this way:

Your privacy is our priority. We promise to keep your details safe and will never sell them. Just for your information we use an email broadcast company based in the USA. Would you like to know more? our privacy policy explains all:

If you would like to change the way you hear from us, how we use your information or do not want to receive and further communications from us, just email, call 01280 821334 or write to us at Retina UK, Whiteleaf Business Centre, 11 Little Balmer, Buckingham MK18 1TF.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Want to talk?

Call our helpline on 0300 111 4000

Email the Helpline

Media enquiries

Retina UK is happy to provide information, and can arrange interviews, on a range of issues relating to inherited sight loss.

Please contact Jane Russell, Communications Manager, on 01280 821334 / 07719 967368 or email

Our policy statements set out our current position on relevant issues.

Join our Lived Experience Panel

Our sight loss survey has highlighted that you have a real appetite to get involved in representing the inherited sight loss community through activities like focus groups, surveys and research projects via the Retina UK Lived Experience Panel.

Represent our community