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A megaphone with the words 'make your voice heard. Complete the Retina UK sight loss survey'

Help to shape our future

Would you like to help shape Retina UK’s future? Do you want to ensure decision-makers understand the impact of inherited sight loss? If so we’d love to hear from you.

Autosomal dominant inheritance

Autosomal dominant inheritance means that the faulty gene is on an autosome (any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes) and that only one faulty copy is needed to cause sight loss.

A week in the life of a researcher

On a typical week in the stem cell lab there are many different experiments going on. Different people work on their individual projects, but we often collaborate to share ideas and help each other.

ReNeuron trial FAQs

You may have heard that a cell-based treatment approach (sometimes referred to as a β€œstem cell treatment”), developed by a company called ReNeuron, is being tested in a clinical trial at Oxford Eye Hospital and other centres in the US and Europe.

Four people sitting in a line. The person furthest away from the camera is the only one facing towards it. He is wearing a white shirt

Involving our community

Our community is informed and knowledgeable about current research projects into the cause(s) of and treatments for these conditions.

Funding paves the way for achromatopsia

A research project funded by Retina UK helped pave the way to a new gene therapy that has recently produced encouraging results in two young people with achromatopsia, a condition that causes complete colour-blindness and poor overall vision from birth.

Virtual delegate bag

A virtual delegate bag for our online attendees - Professionals' Conference 2024

Family planning

If you, or a close relative, are living with a genetic sight loss condition, there may be a chance that your children will inherit it.

The Spring 2023 edition of the Retina UK newsletter, Look Forward, which includes articles about our upcoming events, research updates and more.

Look Forward – Summer 2023 – Issue 180

Did you join either of our Conferences this year? You can read about them inside this edition of Look Forward. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our delegates so if you weren’t able to attend, you can watch or listen to the recordings from the day on our website.