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The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.
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The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.
Making yourself aware of the what you are entitled to, and understanding the diagnosis pathway for inherited sight loss, will put you in a stronger position to seek better support.
Biotechnology company ProQR has announced encouraging results from its early analysis of the phase 1/2 trial of QR-421a, an innovative approach to treating sight loss caused by mutations in a particular section of the USH2A gene.
Did you join either of our Conferences this year? You can read about them inside this edition of Look Forward. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our delegates so if you weren’t able to attend, you can watch or listen to the recordings from the day on our website.