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Growth factors

Growth factors are substances that promote the health and function of cells and tissues in the body.

Eppendorf tubes in rack

Research round-up, spring 2023

Progress towards treatments for inherited retinal conditions continues to gather pace and there’s been lots going on in the last few months, with more and more approaches being explored. This round-up gives a flavour of the variety of developments, including plenty that are not specific to a particular genetic fault.

A group of people seated around a table. A man in the foreground is wearing a Retina UK tshirt with his back to the camera

Join our Lived Experience Panel

Our sight loss survey highlighted that you have a real appetite to get involved in representing the inherited sight loss community through activities like focus groups, surveys and research projects via the Retina UK Lived Experience Panel.

Four people sitting in a line. The person furthest away from the camera is the only one facing towards it. He is wearing a white shirt

Involving our community

Our community is informed and knowledgeable about current research projects into the cause(s) of and treatments for these conditions.