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Image shows a young girl in a blue Retina UK t-shirt jumping into the air and smiling

School Fundraising

Download our School Fundraising Pack below to find out how you can raise money for Retina UK and have loads of fun in the process.

A padlock in navy with a gold coloured key close to the lock mechanism

Unlock Genetics

The aim of these pages is to increase the level of awareness and understanding of genetic testing and genetic counselling among people living with inherited retinal dystrophies, empowering them to make fully informed decisions about their lives, healthcare and family planning.

Light sensing small molecule given green light

Biotechnology company Kiora Pharmaceuticals has been given the go-ahead to start in-human testing of a novel โ€œsmall moleculeโ€ treatment, known as KIO-301, for advanced vision loss in retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The phase 1b clinical trial will take place in Adelaide, Australia, and will begin enrolling participants towards the end of 2022.