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Images shows a group of three walkers walking along a trail with other walkers in the distance. Green fields and trees line the trail. 'Chiltern 50 Challenge' is written on the top right of the image.

Chiltern 50 Challenge

This ‘end of season’ 50km looped route covers some of the best of the Chilterns countryside. You can walk, jog, or run along historic trails and over rolling hills. A half distance 25km challenge is also available.

Wedding Fundraising

Find out how you can mark your special day while fundraising for people with inherited sight loss.

Contact our Helpline

The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.

Electrical stimulation therapy

Electrical stimulation is under investigation to determine whether a small electric charge applied to the retina can stimulate the production of a number of important biological ‘factors’ that in turn could trigger light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors) to regenerate.

Growth factors

Growth factors are substances that promote the health and function of cells and tissues in the body.