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Disability Confident Employer

Work for us

Retina UK employs a team of staff at our offices in Buckingham and remotely around the UK. Details of any vacancies will be posted below.

Retinal transplantation studies

Several groups around the world are investigating the use of retinal transplantation in the treatment of inherited retinal diseases.

Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the strategic management of the organisation and delivery of our charitable objectives.

Autosomal recessive inheritance

Autosomal recessive inheritance means that the faulty gene is on an autosome (any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes) and that both copies need to be faulty to cause sight loss

A DNA spiral with a piece removed being held by tweezers

Genetics and gene therapy

When we talk about gene therapy we are usually referring to use of a harmless virus, called a vector, to deliver a normal copy of a defective gene into the cells of the eye.