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A man wearing a red checked shirt standing at a lectern in front of a number of seated people

The Gene Team

Funding from Retina UK has allowed to team to explore the viability of gene therapy as a treatment for RP and related conditions, and build a pipeline of clinical trials.

Does gene therapy always have to be gene-specific?

Early 2020 marked an important milestone for the Retina UK community, when the first person with an inherited retinal condition received NHS treatment to potentially slow or even stop the progression of their sight loss.

Jing Yu - a man wearing an orange t shirt facing the camera. There is a microscope to his left on a desk.

A blog from the research coal face

Jing Yu is a bioinformatician with the Eye Research Group at Oxford University, and is part of the UK Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Consortium (UKIRDC) team, funded by a Retina UKΒ  grant.

Coins stacked one on top of the other

Applying for research funding

We provide funding for innovative, high quality research projects investigating the causes and potential treatments for all forms of inherited retinal disease.